Monday, 12 October 2015

Holy Thor! My blog just got scraped by someone in Israel!

So... Yeah...

I have a blog.
Mostly articles about movies, tech and science.
I get roughly 2,000 to 3,000 views per month.

And recently I posted an article about the recent change of PM in Australia.
It included the word "Palestine".
And on one day... Actually in one hour... I got 1,932 page views.

Wait. What?
I'm not important.
I just comment on some issues I feel relevant to the events of the day.

So just what did my stats show?

Oh lord.
So... I'm not actually saying Mossad have scraped my site.
But seriously...
I have 1,932 pages that feel relevant to someone in Israel?

Wow. Thanks guys.
I had no idea I had written many posts.
Hope you like them.